When we talk about anti-aging masks, we very often remember folk recipes and home remedies based on the healing properties of plants, natural foods - in general, the forces of nature combined with folk wisdom.
Indeed, it often happens that homemade cosmetics are much more effective than expensive branded creams and pharmaceutical preparations. This is especially true when we live in harmony with nature and try to take care of the skin from a young age and do not wait until radical means are needed to restore it.

We will talk a little about home preparation of effective masks and creams that rejuvenate the skin, reduce wrinkles and slow down aging. You can choose yourself those products that suit you and are easier to prepare at home. Almost every home has a wonderful healing plant - aloe. Its masks rejuvenate and nourish aging skin and keep young skin fresh and healthy for longer.
Proven recipes with aloe
Cut a couple of aloe leaves with a plastic knife and refrigerate for 2 weeks. After this time, squeeze the juice by hand and mix it (1 tablespoon) with olive oil - you will need the same amount. Add your nourishing cream (1 teaspoon), mix everything and heat slightly. Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, then wash off with cold water. Small wrinkles after such masks gradually disappear, and deep ones are reduced.
Another anti-aging mask for aging facial skin with aloe: you need to grind the leaves to make a gruel (also store the leaves in the refrigerator), mix them (1 tbsp. ) with egg yolk, milk powder (1 tbsp. ) and honey (1 teaspoon). If the mixture is thick, add the milk. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water; suitable for aging skin.
Anti-aging oil formulations
The following mask nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. Soft butter (1 tablespoon) is rubbed with yolk, honey (1 teaspoon) and grated apple pulp (1 tablespoon) are added. Everything is mixed, applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes, then removed with a wet pad or swab. This mask helps revitalize sagging skin as well.
Anti-aging mask with egg yolk, butter (0. 5 tbsp), chamomile infusion (1 tbsp), honey and glycerin (1 tsp each). Crush all components into a homogeneous mass and apply it on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Wash with cold water.
A rejuvenating face mask made from plantain leaves also revitalizes aging skin. Rinse fresh plantain leaves, grind into gruel (1 tbsp), add honey (1 tsp) and a little warm boiled water. Rub well and apply on face for 15 minutes, then dip a tampon in cold water and remove the mask.

How to make an anti aging cream
At home, you can prepare not only masks, but also creams for aging skin. If there are not enough ingredients, you can look at the pharmacy. First you need to make quite a lot of cream, try if it suits you and if there is any irritation, and only then prepare a large portion. Most creams can be applied overnight without rinsing; others should be removed with a damp cloth, especially when not all of the cream is absorbed.
Honey rejuvenating face creams
Nourishes and rejuvenates aging skin cream with honey and lanolin. Mix 1 tsp. honey and lanolin, melt in a water bath. Without removing from the bath and continuing to stir, add 2 tbsp. clean warm water and almond oil. Then remove and beat with a mixer.
A similar recipe: dissolve honey and lanolin in the same way as described above, add soy lecithin solution to them. The solution is prepared as follows: in a warm decoction of herbs (4 tablespoons) dissolve 0. 5 tsp. soy lecithin. Then remove the mixture from the bath, place the container in cold water and beat until it cools completely.

Herbal rejuvenating face cream
A rejuvenating cream for aging skin can be prepared from an oil extract of herbs (mint, linden, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, green tea) and pine resin collected in the fall. The hood is prepared at home: 1 tbsp. a mixture of all herbs is poured with warm olive oil (0. 5 cups), closed and left for a week, then filtered. You can buy pine resin, or you can collect it yourself if you have the opportunity to go to a coniferous forest.
Next, to prepare the cream, you need to take beeswax (1 tsp), melt it in a water bath and, without removing it, add 1 tsp. pine resin, dissolved separately over low heat, then an extract of oil (2 tablespoons), the same amount of rose water and 2 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A, D and E. Mix everything, remove from the bath and beat with a kneader until the mixture is homogeneous. Such a cream not only rejuvenates the skin, but also nourishes it very well.
Lemon rejuvenating face creams
For aging skin prone to greasiness, homemade anti-aging cream with lemons is suitable. Take 3 lemons, peel them, chop the peel and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours. Strain the infusion and mix half a glass of liquid honey (1 teaspoon), any unrefined vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and the same amount of lemon juice. Add cream (2 tbsp), mix, then add cologne (1 tsp) and 1 tbsp. alcoholic infusion of rose petals (dog rose). Beat the mixture with a mixer and put it in a glass jar.
The following lemon cream is suitable for oilier skin. Mix 2 tbsp. lemon juice with 1 tsp. Glycerine. Separately, mix the raw yolk with 1 tbsp. unrefined oil and 1 tsp. Honey. Then combine everything and beat with a mixer, gradually, drop by drop, adding camphor alcohol - 6-7 drops.
Homemade folk recipe for dry skin
For dry aging skin, pepper cream is suitable. Red pepper is used: it is spicy and you need to take very little, a piece the size of a little finger nail. Finely chop the bell pepper and rub it with olive oil (2 tablespoons). Melt beeswax (1 tsp) and lanolin (0. 5 tsp) in a water bath, add rose petal infusion (2 tbsp), pepper oil, remove from water bath, beat with a mixer.
All anti-aging creams should be kept in the refrigerator; some of them can be stored for up to several months.
Effective folk recipes
A separate topic is anti-aging masks with linseed oil. You can simply apply the oil on your face for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Flaxseed oil contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it rejuvenates dry, flaky, sensitive, lethargic and aging, wrinkled and flabby skin.
A very nourishing mask for aging skin is obtained from flaxseed oil (1 teaspoon), egg yolk and honey (1 teaspoon). Mix the ingredients, put the mixture in a container with hot water; when hot, apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
The next anti-aging mask nourishes, tones, refreshes and moisturizes fading facial skin. Mix egg yolk with sour cream (1 tbsp), add dry and floured lemon zest (1 tsp), mix well. After 15 minutes, add flaxseed oil (1 teaspoon), mix again and apply on face, and after 20 minutes wash off the mask with cold water.
Homemade face mask for aging dry combination skin. Mix brewer's yeast (1 tbsp) with warm milk to make gruel, add linseed oil (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp), sour cream (0. 5 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon), rub it all together and apply on the face in a thick layer for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.
Grate fresh cucumber. At 1 tbsp. gruel, add blackcurrant puree - the same amount and sour cream (1 tablespoon). Mix everything well, apply on face and neck, after 20 minutes remove with a pad soaked in warm water and wash off with cold water.

There are many recipes for homemade anti-aging masks for aging skin - it is impossible to describe them in one article, and this is great, because in this abundance every woman can find for herself something that will help her restore the beauty of her skin and preserve its youth for a long time.
In conclusion, I would like to recall the benefits of vegetables and fruits. German experts conducted a study in which it was found that minor wrinkles are found in those people who always eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Conversely, those who eat fruit and vegetables rarely have more wrinkles.
It is best to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables: yellow, green and red: all citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, peppers and others. These fruits stop oxidative reactions and significantly slow down aging.
The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation. Please do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a specialist.